
What We're Up To...

Last night, to celebrate Brice's birthday (a few days early), we decided to "rough it" by camping out...in our living room...

We ordered pizza and salad to go with our Rattlesnake Red Wine and cheesy old Vincent Price horror movie (for the whole ghost story effect)...for dessert, instead of birthday cake, we had microwaved S'Mores...

It was fun watching the marshmallows grow enormous in the nuker-wave. We also had candles lit and pine tree scented incense burning for the campfire effect.

Obsidian seemed to think the tent was all hers...

while Willow was a bit unnerved about the whole thing...

But, once daddy Brice was in...

our girl soon followed suit...

It was a lot of fun! Once our movie was over, we caught Man Vs. Wild on the Discovery Channel, ya know, to learn some tips just in case anything happened while we were roughing it. Bear Grylls taught us a lot...

In the middle of the night, Devin went to the restroom and got a little lost. He almost had to eat one of Obsidian's eyeballs, ya know for protein, but lucky for her, he eventually found his way back to the tent. ;)

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